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February 2024 Monthly Review

Funding Overview

Month Overview

Annual Overview

Investments in the Riding

Investment to ALC and Patient Flow Initiatives at St. Joseph’s Care Group

On behalf of the Hon. Minister Sylvia Jones I’m happy to announce the provincial government is investing $4,688,980 to support Alternative Level of Care and Patient Flow initiatives at St. Joseph’s Care Group.

This funding from the Ministry of Health further demonstrates our governments commitment to supporting the work of our healthcare leaders as they deliver holistic, innovative models of care.

News Release:…/

Primary Health Teams Investments

On behalf of Minister Sylvia Jones I was pleased to announce an investment of $1,851,605 million to primary health teams in Thunder Bay.

The breakdown for this investment is as follows:

Lakehead Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic – $935,605

NorWest Community Health Centres – $600,000

The Greenstone Family Health Team – $316,000

Congratulations to all the clinics who recieved this funding and thank you to Lakehead Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic for hosting this announcement!

News Release:…/

Empower the North Initiative Funding

On behalf of Minister Neil Lumsden I announced an investment of $141,700 to the Lakehead Social Planning Council to support the Empower the North Initiative.

Thank you to the Lakehead Social Planning Council for hosting us for this announcement!

News Release:…/

Over $2.6 Million to Nishnawbe Aski Nation

Minister Michael Tibollo announced over $2.6 million from our government to Nishnawbe Aski Nation for mental health & emergency programming in Thunder Bay. Although I was not able to be in the riding for this event, I am very grateful for this investment that will surely benefit the many individuals receiving services from NAN.

This includes:

$1 million for Keewaytinook Okimakanak, which leads the NAN Hope program that provides community-driven, culturally appropriate services, and supports surge capacity to address urgent mental health and addictions needs across Nishnawbe Aski Nation Territory.

$623,500 for NAN mental health supports in First Nations schools located in Thunder Bay and Sioux Lookout, in response to the Seven Youth Inquest (…/inquest-deaths-seven-first…).

$500,000 for NAN IHWS Crisis Teams through the Indigenous Healing and Wellness Strategy (IHWS), which provides an effective, coordinated approach to crisis response in communities.

$500,000 for NAN to purchase vehicles and further develop their mobile crisis response teams, allowing them to connect more remote Indigenous communities to mental heath and addictions services.

Learn more:…/ontario-connecting-indigenous…

Events in Thunder Bay

ACT Opioid Overdose Response Training in all Thunder Bay High Schools

I joined The ACT Foundation and Hydro One to celebrate Heart Month and the launch of Opioid Overdose Response Training in all Thunder Bay high schools as part of the ACT High School CPR and AED Program.

Students at Superior Collegiate and Vocational Institute, Lakehead District School Board, showcased their emergency preparedness and lifesaving skills with a dynamic CPR emergency response scenario demonstration. They also tested if I still knew my CPR skills from when I was as a volunteer firefighter.

Thank you to the ACT foundation and Superior Collegiate and Vocational Institute for inviting me to this important launch of the Opioid Overdose Response Training. The training these students have recieved could help them save lives, I encourage all students to sign up for this life saving training.

Non-Profit Appreciation Month

This month, we demonstrated our support for local Non-Profit organizations by visiting them to express our gratitude for their invaluable contributions to our community. As a token of our appreciation, we presented each organization with a certificate of appreciation.

Pre-Budget Consultation

It was nice to have Stephen Crawford, Goldie Ghamari, Deepak Anand, Ernie Hardeman and Andrew Dowie in Thunder Bay for the pre-budget consultation. Its always a pleasure to showing colleagues what the Thunder Bay – Atikokan riding has to offer.

2024 Ontario Winter Games Week 1

I had the pleasure of attending the first weeks opening ceremonies for the Ontario Winter Games 2024, hosted right here in Thunder Bay!

With over 1300 participants, this year’s games will unfold across various venues throughout our city. I was thrilled witnessing some of the competitions firsthand.

2024 Ontario Winter Games Week 2

I attended the second opening ceremonies of the 2024 Ontario Winter Games and gave remarks on behalf of Minister Neil Lumsden!

Thank you to all the volunteers, organizers and sponsors for supporting these winter games, and I hope all the athletes had a great time competing this year in Thunder Bay.

Last Day of Ontario Winter Games

The last two weekends were filled with excitement and fierce competition. It was truly thrilling to witness such outstanding athletes in action this year. Congratulations to all the medal winners!

A heartfelt thank you goes out to the volunteers, supporters, and organizers whose dedication and hard work made these games a resounding success. A special thanks also to Minister Neil Lumsden for the support that the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports provided to ensure the success of the games.

Community Achievements

Outstanding Achievement Award for Voluntarism

Congratulations to Donna Brown on receiving the Outstanding Achievement Award for Voluntarism.

Donna Brown’s dedication to volunteering is truly inspiring. Starting at the young age of 10, she has made a significant impact on various organizations and causes in Thunder Bay. From her work with the PARO Centre for Women’s Enterprise to her involvement with the McKellar Park School Parent Teacher Association, Donna has shown a remarkable commitment to giving back.

Her efforts in fundraising for the Royal Canadian Legion and supporting the United Commercial Travelers Group in their charitable endeavors have further demonstrated her generosity and community spirit.

Thank you Donna, for your selfless contributions and for being a shining example of the power of volunteerism. Your efforts have undoubtedly made a difference in the lives of many.

This Months Meetings

Meeting with Thunder Bay Public Library

Meeting with Lakehead University

Meeting with Ontario Power Generation

Meeting with Canadian Student Federation

Meeting with New Economy Canada

Meeting with Ontario Principals Council

Meeting with Leveljump Healthcare

Thank you to everyone for meeting with me either in the riding or at Queens Park this month, we had great productive discussions I hope to continue in the future.

Remarks in the House

Recognizing Thunder Bay – Atikokan’s Forestry, Mining, and Bio-economy Leaders