Hunting and Fishing General Information for 2025
January 28, 2025
Hunting and Fishing Regulations Summaries
Printed copies of the 2025 Fishing Regulations Summary are sent to private license issuers
and participating ServiceOntario locations in mid-December and is available online at
Printed copies of the 2025 Ontario Hunting Regulations Summaries are sent to private
license issuers and participating ServiceOntario locations in April 2025 and will be
available online at
2025 Licensing Prices
There were no price changes for 2025. For a full list of license prices please check online at or
Outdoors Cards and Licenses
The Outdoors Card is valid for three calendar years, expiring on December 31 of the third
year after purchase. Annual fishing and hunting licenses also expire on December 31 each
year. Ontario residents have three options to renew their cards and purchase licenses
starting the first Tuesday of December each year.
They can renew:
- by phone by calling 1-800-288-1155
Outdoors Card and License Summary: Clients who renew their Outdoors
Card and purchase fishing and/or small game licenses in the same transaction
can expect to receive their new plastic card, with licenses imprinted on the
back, in approximately 20 days. If the licenses are printed on the back of the
Outdoors Card, clients are not required to carry their license summary. Clients
can access their accounts online and print or download a digital license
summary for immediate use at any time.
Clients with an existing Outdoors Card who purchase a one-year license
(fishing, small game etc.) either online or at an issuer, will not receive anything
by mail. Instead:
- those who purchase their one-year licenses online can print or download a digital license summary, or
- those who purchase at a license issuer will be given a printed license summary at the time of purchase.
Tip sheets for navigating the licensing service, setting up an account online and
purchasing licences can be found on the Support and Resources page at
Dates that Big Game and Turkey Licenses go on sale for 2025
- March 1 Deer, Bear and Spring Wild Turkey
- May 16 Moose licence and tags
- July 9 Additional Deer Tags
- September 1 Fall Wild Turkey
Big Game Draw Entry Dates for 2025
- March 1 to June 30 Antlerless deer
- April 1 to April 30 Moose Primary Allocation
- June 15 to July 7 Moose Second Chance Allocation
- July 1 to July 31 Controlled Deer
These draw deadlines are strictly enforced, and no exceptions are made.
Farmers/landowners who qualify to hunt in a controlled deer hunt season may
apply online or in person at a private licence issuer or participating ServiceOntario
location. They will be required to select the hunt code where their land is located
and attest to their qualifications as a farmer/landowner.
Big Game Draw Results for 2025
Draw results will be available online at or by calling
the automated telephone service at 1-800-288-1155 starting on:
- May 16 Moose Primary Allocation
- August 1 Moose Second Chance Allocation
- September 1 Controlled deer
Moose Tag Claim Period
Moose hunters that are successful in the allocation process must purchase their moose
license and tag during the tag claim period in which they were awarded the tag.
- May 16 to June 9 Primary Moose Tag Claim Period
- August 1 to December 15 Second Chance Moose Tag Claim Period
Tags not claimed during the Primary moose tag claim period will be made available for
the Second Chance Allocation.
For more detailed information on the moose allocation process please visit
Hunter Reporting
Hunters who fail to complete their mandatory hunter reports are subject to a $25 surcharge that is automatically applied to the next draw application, licence or tag purchase for that species (generally in the following year). The $25 surcharge is applied for each report that a hunter fails to submit.
Beginning in 2027, a hunter will be subject to a $50 surcharge for any consecutive failure to report for the same species.
Hunters who fail to report or provide false or misleading information may also be subject to fines under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997.
Hunter reporting provides critical data to support wildlife management decisions such as
harvest planning to set tag quotas and adjusting seasons and bag limits. Good quality
hunter reporting information can lead to increased opportunities for hunters.
The ministry appreciates the data provided by hunters through mandatory hunter reporting and has been working to share the results with hunters in a timely manner. This can help inform hunters’ plans for future seasons.
For more information on hunter reporting and to view results from previous years, please
Ontario Family Fishing Events
Ontario and Canadian residents are provided four opportunities throughout the year to fish without having to purchase a fishing license. These dates include:
- February 15 to 17, 2025 Family Fishing Weekend
- May 10 to 11, 2025 Mother’s Day Weekend
- June 14 to 15, 2025 Father’s Day Weekend
- June 28 to July 6, 2025 Ontario Family Fishing Week
Government issued identification is required, and anglers must follow conservation license catch and possession limits.
Additional information is available at
Fish and Wildlife on Social Media @FishWildlifeON
Are you following Ontario Fish and Wildlife yet? Stay in the loop with our social media
channels for the latest updates on angling and hunting in Ontario!
Our channels are designed to educate and keep you informed about important dates, news
and deadlines. We also share insights from MNR research projects and highlight hunting
and fishing experiences from across the province.
Join our @FishWildlifeON community today to stay engaged and informed.