November 2022 Monthly Review
Funding Overview
Month Overview
Annual Overview
Investments in the Riding
Improving Cancer Care Services in Thunder Bay
Pleased to announce funding to improve cancer care services in Northwestern Ontario.
$13.2 million will add a third Linear Accelerator (LINCA) and a new state of the art PET/CT at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre.
These are essential components to leading edge cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Supporting Environmental Action in Thunder Bay
I’m proud to announce alongside Minister Piccini funds to help transform a section along the Neebing McIntyre Floodway.
Ontario Investing in Fighting Auto Theft
Proud to see our government invest in Automated License Plate Recognition Technology (ALPR) in Thunder Bay
Supporting Seniors’ Programs in the Thunder Bay District
On behalf of Minister Raymond Cho I’m happy to announce funding for seniors’ programs for the Thunder Bay Museum, Lakehead Social Planning Council and the Township of Conmee.
Supporting Seniors’ Programs in the Thunder Bay District
Happy to be on hand for the Science North announcement of a $200,000 investment from TD Bank Financial Group in support of the Indigenous Ways of Knowing project.
Minister Visits
Associate Minister Parsa Visit
Excited to host Associate Minister Michael Parsa for a tour of Grace Place and a roundtable to look at ways to increase supportive housing in Northern Ontario.
Associate Minister Parsa and Minister McNaughton Visit
Thanks for the visits Associate Minister Parsa and Minister McNaughton.
Connecting with Local Leaders
Meeting with the Alzheimer’s Society of Ontario
A productive meeting with Alzheimer Society of Ontario at Queen’s Park
We spoke about working together to improve care and awareness of the disease.
Meeting with Ontario Public Service Employees Union
Productive meeting with representatives at Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU).
Also took part in a reception Wednesday night for CHF Canada.
Meeting with Karen Hill
Took the time this week to meet with Karen Hill – Re/Max First Choice Realty LTD, Brokerage from OREA to discuss a number of opportunities involving Thunder Bay and the District.
Meeting with Mayor Ken Boshcoff and City Manager Norm Gale
Had the pleasure of welcoming Mayor Ken Boshcoff and City Manager Norm Gale to my office Friday.
We discussed opportunities for the city and how all three levels of government can work collaboratively to achieve our mutual goals.
Meeting with Debbie Zweep
Had a productive meeting with Debbie Zweep, the Director of Faye Peterson House.
We discussed the provincial priorities for Ending Violence Against Woman for the National Action Plan.
Meeting with Lakehead Public Schools and Minister Lecce
Had a great conversation with Trustee Ryan Sitch with Lakehead Public Schools and Education Minister Stephen Lecce.
I look forward to meeting with the board and working with them on the education file.
Committee Consultation
As I gear up for another busy week ahead, I was happy to take part in the Committee Consultation last week for Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act
Our government is ready to take bold action to address the housing crisis by building 1.5 million homes over the next 10 years
Events in the Riding
Atikokan and Fort William Gardens Remembrance Day Ceremony
Honoured to be involved in several Remembrance Day events throughout the riding, including one in Atikokan and another at Fort William Gardens.
This is the first large indoor gathering since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Opening of Ready Now Recovery Program
Was pleased to attend the opening of the Ready Now Recovery Community Outreach Program on Saturday
Ontario Skilled Trades Career Fair
Happy to attend the LevelUP! Skilled Trades Ontario Career Fair.
Ontario Improving Northern Road Safety
Our government is rolling out the new ON Trans-Canada standard for Highways 11 and 17.